Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.

- Epictetus

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What is life but a series of inspired follies.. The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance, it doesn't come every day. _ 

George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

“Compassion is a two way street.” 

— Frank Capra 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” 

– Vincent Van Gogh 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” 

Washington Irving

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Check and Download here

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." 

- Nelson Mandela 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The important thing is to not stop questioning
Curiosity has it's own reason for existing.

-Albert Einstein

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wishing people good luck!
  1.  Best of luck
  2.  Fingers crossed
  3.  Blow them away
  4.  Break a leg
  5.  You'll do great
  6.  I hope things will turn out fine
  7.  Best wishes
  8.  Do your best
"Faith moves mountains, love 

transforms hearts."

- John Paul Warren

Monday, May 25, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

You are what you eat


What you eat has an effect on your well-being.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Unwillingness easily finds an excuse.


A person who doesn't want to do something always finds a reason to avoid it.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.


Physical attacks may harm me, but cruel words will  not.

Friday, May 1, 2015

اليوم العالمي للعمل سبب تسميته يأتي أصل الاحتفال بهذا اليوم من شيكاغو حيث النزاعات العماليةلتخفض ساعات العمل في هاميلتون في الحركة التي تعرف بحركة الثمان ساعات، ثم في تورونتو في 1886s، مما أدى إلى ظهور قانون الاتحاد التجارى، الذي أضفى الصفة القانونية، وقام بحماية نشاط الاتحاد في عام 1872 في كندا. وتمت المسيرات كدعم لحركة التسع ساعات، كما أن إضراب عاملي الطباعة أدى إلى الاحتفال السنوي في كندا. في عام 1882، شهد زعيم العمال الأميريكى بيتر ج. ماكغواير إحدى الاحتفالات بعيد العمال في تورونتو. واستلهاماً من أحداث الاحتفالات الكندية في تورونتو الكندية، فقد عاد إلى نيويورك ليقوم بتنظيم أول عيداً للعمال يحتفل به في نفس اليوم، في الخامس من سبتمبر من كل عام.
أول عيد للعمال في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تم الاحتفال به في الخامس من سبتمبر، عام 1882 في مدينة نيويورك.[1] وفي أعقاب وفاة عدد من العمال على ايدي الجيش الأمريكي ومارشالات الولايات المتحدة خلال بولمان سترايك أو اضراب بولمان عام 1894، وضع الرئيس جروفر كليفلاند تسويات مصالحة مع حزب العمل باعتباره أولوية سياسية عليا. وخوفاً من المزيد من الصراعات، تم تشريع عيد العمال وجعله عطلة وطنية من خلال تمريره إلى الكونجرسوالموافقة عليه بالإجماع، فقط بعد ستة أيام من انتهاء الإضراب.[2] وكان كليفلاند يشعر بالقلق لتوائم عطلة عيد العمال مع الاحتفالات بيوم مايو الدولي، والذي قد يثير مشاعر سلبية مرتبطة بقضايا هايماركت عام 1886، عندما أطلق أفراد شرطة شيكاغو النار على عدد من العمال أثناء إضراب عام مطالبين بحد أقصى لعدد ساعات اليوم الواحد لا يزيد عن ثماني ساعات، وقد راح ضحية تلك الحادثة العشرات من أولئك العمال.[3] وقامت الخمسون ولاية أمريكيةبالاحتفال بعيد العمال كعطلة رسمية.

شكل الاحتفال بعيد العمال تم ايجازه في المقترح الأول للعطلة: مسيرة تعرض في الشارع للجمهور، حيث “قوة وروح العمل الجماعي لدى المنظمات التجارية والعمالية”، يلى ذلك احتفال للعمال والأسر. وأصبح هذا شكل الاحتفال بعيد العمال. كما ظهرت الخطابات في وقت لاحق لرجال ونساء متميزين، لتأكيد مكانة العطلة الاقتصادية والمدنية. وفي وقت لاحق، وبموجب قرار من الاتحاد الأمريكي لاتفاقية العمل عام 1909، تم اعتماد يوم الأحد الذي يسبق عيد العمال كأحد العمل وتم تكريس جوانبه الروحية والتربوية للحركة العمالية.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

rolling stone gathers no moss


Someone who does not settle in one place, rarely prospers

If a person keeps moving from place to place, they gain neither friends nor possessions.
Another interpretation is that, by moving often, one avoids being tied down!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pride comes before a fall.


Don't be too self-confident or proud; something may happen to make you look foolish.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

An old fox is not easily snared.


A person of experience is difficult to fool or manipulate.

           This book is a complete manual of teaching English as a foreign or second language. It is complete because of its wide-range coverage from general issues about teaching and learning English (Chapter 1 and 2 ) up to specific problems that English teachers frequently encounter ( Chapter 13 ). Between these two extremes, readers can find almost everything dealing with teaching and learning English. Those who are interested in developing the teaching of language components may refer to Chapter 5. A brief review about sentence construction, part of speech, noun types, verb forms are topics within this chapter. Not intending to dichotomize weakness and strength, bad and good, these topics indicate that the description of grammar used in this book refer to traditional view of grammar, not to Hallidian grammar. Chapter 7- 10 deal with teaching the four language skills. They are, therefore, appropriate for those who want a practical, easy to understand reference of teaching the four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
How_to_Teach_English.pdf by unes.khartit

Friday, April 24, 2015

The draw of the semi-finals yields a fierce competition between all the big teams. 

FC Barcelona (ESP) v FC Bayern München (GER) –The first match will be on the  6th of May.The last match will be on the 12 May 2015.
Juventus (ITA) v Real Madrid CF (ESP) will play the first match on the 5th of May in Italia. Whereas the second will be on the 13th of May in Madrid. 

A storming comments and publication on social media have been seen today as a reaction of the fans, players, coaches and the administrators of the clubs. These are some of the sayings of the coaches and the players taken from their social accounts: 

Josep Guardiola, Bayern coach:
We want to beat Barcelona but they have a quality team. It will be the first time that I have gone back, so it is going to be special and emotional for me.

Carlo Ancelotti, Madrid coach: 
We are confident that we can follow our dream, which is to reach another final after last year. We need Real Madrid to be at their best to win, we need the same side that played against Atlético, with the same enthusiasm and hope. We have a lot of confidence.

Luis Enrique, Barcelona coach:
It is a special game because of Pep, for me and for the players. It's a great date for all Barça fans. We will go with the objective of winning both at home and away from home. The process is the same.

Tonis Croos. Real Madrid midfielder. 

On the #roadtoberlin we have to overcome @juventusfc. A tough challenge but with you madridistas we will make it!

"I'm convinced we'll put in two great performances, then we'll see if that's enough to keep our run going."

Marry in haste, repent as leisure.


If you get married too quickly, you may spend your whole life regretting it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Loose lips sink ships."


Disclosing important information (to the enemy or a competitor) could result in large losses.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kill one to warn a hundred.


Warn many people by punishing a few.

Monday, April 20, 2015

"If a camel gets his nose in a tent, his body will follow."


If you let something intrusive enter your life, your life will become difficult.

Friday, April 17, 2015

"If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."


Wishing alone is of no use; you must act as well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"The cost of educating a child is immense .

The cost of not educating a child is incalculable"

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."


 Someone who helps you when you are in trouble is a real friend.

Here are some words in British and American English:

                 British English

American English

  1. Holidays
  2. Film
  3. Football
  4. Note
  5. Sweet
  6. Letterbox, post-box
  7. Sorry
  8. Driving licence
  9. Autumn
  10. Biscuit
  11. Cinema
  12. Shop
  13. Rubbish
  14. Of course
  15. Chips
  16. Poste
  17. Full stop
  18. Chat show
  19. Petrol Station
  20. Taxi
  21. Underground
  22. Vest
  23. Toilet
  24. Pardon?
  25. Flat

  1. Vacation
  2. Movie*
  3. Soccer
  4. Bill
  5. Candy
  6. Post-box; mail box
  7. Excuse me
  8. Driver’s licence
  9. Fall
  10. Cookie
  11. Movie theatre
  12. Store
  13. Garbage
  14. Sure*
  15. Fries*
  16. Zip code
  17. Period; Dot*
  18. Talk show
  19. Gas station
  20. Cab*
  21. Subway
  22. Undershirt
  23. Bathroom* Restroom
  24. Sorry? Excuse me
  25. Apartment*

NB: word which contains (*) can also used either as a British or American English